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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Searching for a perfect match - Pique Newsmagazine

Much is made about the significance of romantic relationships—particularly during the second month of the year. It doesn’t take more than a quick scroll through Instagram on Valentine’s Day to be reminded of that. It’s the reason dating apps make up a multi-billion-dollar industry and why romantic comedies form an entire, wildly popular genre of movies: there’s a lot to love about love. 

But the reality is, romantic love is just one of the most encompassing of several kinds of love people will experience over the course of their lives, from friendships to family, and even, on rare occasions, the kindness of strangers. But the true definition of unconditional love for a lot of people can be epitomized by the relationship with their pets. Dogs didn’t earn the title of man’s best friend for no reason, after all. What other creature would you still allow to live rent-free in your house (let alone take a bullet for) even if they drag you outside in the stormiest weather, rack up astronomical vet bills, and scratch up your favourite piece of furniture or chew through your favourite pair of shoes from time to time? More importantly, who else will come bounding over to the front door to greet you, even if you were only gone for an hour? 

‘WAG is the only shelter that will give them a chance’ 

Some animals out there have lots of unconditional love to give, but are just missing that best friend (or friends) to give it to. And like any human who has experienced heartbreak—or ever downloaded a dating app, for that matter—these animals have their own unique histories and, in some cases, trauma. And, as in humans, that trauma can sometimes manifest in the form of behavioural issues.

That’s where the good people at Whistler Animals Galore (WAG) come into play.

The non-profit and registered charity that started in 1982 shoulders the task of caring for lost and homeless dogs and cats from Whistler and beyond. That includes partnering with the Resort Municipality of Whistler to house impounded dogs and welcoming animals in need of critical medical care. Oftentimes, owners make the difficult decision to surrender their animals to WAG after realizing they can’t provide the care their pet requires. WAG staff also work to find not just any home, but the home best suited to the animals in their care, and do extensive rehabilitation work with animals that stand to benefit from it—the kind of time-intensive, gradual training and confidence-building that doesn’t happen at all rescue organizations. All this work pays off when an animal finds a home where he or she can thrive, and where the risk of that animal returning to a shelter is low. 

Rehabilitation “happens at some other shelters but not at all of them,” explains WAG’s assistant manager Catherine Mazza. “Many shelters just do not accept animals with medical or behavioural issues—period—and we think that’s what makes WAG so special. 

“Many of our animals did not have anywhere else to go, and often WAG is the only shelter that will give them a chance.”

Take Lola, a five-year-old pit bull mix brought to WAG by police almost four years ago. Seized after her owners were arrested, Lola’s unstable start to life resulted in some extreme fears and anxieties, but through ongoing training and staff’s patience, she has grown by leaps and bounds as she’s settled into shelter life. Around people she’s comfortable with, she’s affectionate, snuggly and overall “wonderful,” says Mazza. 

While a stable, loving home would undoubtedly be a huge benefit for Lola’s development, not every prospective dog owner will be a match for her specific needs. As a reactive dog with a fear of men in particular, she needs a female owner with a quiet home and lifestyle who’s willing to make multiple trips to the shelter to get to know her. 

If there’s one thing Mazza would like the community to know, it’s just how many special-needs cases end up on WAG’s doorstep. “There is a great need for more facilities that are willing and able to take on those that need more support,” she says.  

Currently, the shelter has four dogs and seven cats up for adoption. That’s “pretty typical,” notes Mazza. “A bit low for dogs but we have three large-breed, long-term, special-needs dogs at the shelter who take up a lot of resources. A litter of puppies will change those numbers pretty quick, though!”

Mazza has been working at the local animal rescue for more than a decade, where a typical day for WAG’s employees includes “a lot of cleaning,” she says. “The mornings are the busiest with animal care, as they have all been alone at the shelter (and for the dogs, locked in kennels) for about 10 hours and all will need to be taken out, fed, and cleaned.” 

As anyone who’s ever had one knows, puppies are responsible for the biggest messes, Mazza adds. “There is lots of laundry, dishes, scrubbing litter boxes, walking dogs, taking out the garbage, on and on,” she continues. And that’s not even including the admin side of the operation, like emails, phone calls, adoptions, animal intake, veterinary care, managing volunteers, foster homes, fundraising and more, she adds. 

When it comes to raising funds, February is usually a big month for WAG and its annual “Month of Love” campaign. As part of this year’s event, animal lovers are invited to enter a free contest the shelter has dubbed “Love Me Tinder,” where they can submit photos of what their pets’ dating profiles and taglines would look like in order for the chance to win some prizes (submissions can be sent to, while partial proceeds from every pizza sold during a Creekbread fundraiser held earlier this month will help fund the shelter’s operations. 

But if we’re talking dating profiles, it’s really the current WAG residents that are on the hunt for their perfect match.

Think you might be ready to welcome a new love into your life? Keep scrolling to find out.

Mocha Sometimes (OK, most times) easily distracted by birds and squirrels.



Age: 1.5 years

Height: I’m a big boy

Breed: Labrador retriever mix

Big fan of the outdoors, but also love to cuddle on the couch. My favourite game is fetch. I’m looking for long-term commitment—no flings! I’m currently working on some training and hoping whoever I match with will be patient help support me along this journey. Sometimes (OK, most times) easily distracted by birds and squirrels. 

My perfect Sunday: A hike, a play, then a long nap!

Fun fact about me: I am high energy, unlike many labs.

I’m looking for: Someone who can handle my strength when I get excited.

CAL & SOL treats like warm chicken or roast beef will help you get on our good side.



Age: about 3 years

Height: Cal is very tall. Sol is a bit shorter, but we are both big boys

Breed: Labrador retriever /mastiff cross

We’re brothers and our dream scenario would be to come as a package deal (or at least to find matches that would commit to regular visits together). Two is better than one, right? Our siblings and us were brought to WAG as stray/feral teenagers—after living the first six months of our lives without human interaction, we would not let anyone touch us for a very long time, but now, we’re looking for something serious and long-term with the right match. We love quiet walks in the woods. Tip: playing hard to get our first few meetings and bringing along treats like warm chicken or roast beef will help you get on our good side.

I get along with people who: Have the patience to understand we have some trust issues and will take the time to get to know us.

My simple pleasures: Playing chase in the yard with my favourite humans.

My biggest fear or most irrational fear: Meeting new people.

LOLA I’m not exactly a city girl and don’t love crowds, but I do love movie nights



Age: 5 years

Height: Medium 

Breed:  Pit bull mix

I’ve called WAG home for almost four years, but I’m hoping to move on to something more permanent sometime soon! My dream house is somewhere quiet with easy access to the outdoors—I’m not exactly a city girl and don’t love crowds, but I do love movie nights, cuddling on the couch, and snacks. It takes me a long time open up to new people, but once you get to know me, I am affectionate, loyal loving and playful. Not interested in kids, cats, other dogs, or men—gals only! P.S., I never leave home without my muzzle (only the coolest girls wear one).

My perfect Sunday: A swim and then napping on the couch all the day!

The secret to getting to know me: Warm roasted chicken or delicious warm bacon! And patience.

My biggest fear or most irrational fear: New people

We’re the same type of weird if: We grunt like a little piggy when we are most happy.

MARY JANE There’s nothing better than morning snuggles



Age: 12 years old

Breed: Sphinx cat

Size: Small 

I’m fresh off some recent dental surgery and feeling like a brand-new cat! I’m usually cold (#sphinxproblems) meaning my purrfect match would have a cozy fire I could curl up in front of. There’s nothing better than morning snuggles—unless we’re talking cuddling up in a blanket or on a heating pad. My demeanour might be mellow, but my maintenance isn’t. I require weekly baths and biweekly nail cleaning and trimming, while my ears must be cleaned every four days and my face cleaned morning and night. The unpleasant scrubbing associated with baths is well worth being wrapped up in a towel afterwards. It’s a lot, I know, but I’ll reward you with head nudges and nose kisses. Only when I’m in a cuddly mood, of course.

My perfect Sunday: Snuggling under a blanket.

My simple pleasures: A quiet home.

I’m looking for: Someone to look after me in my golden years.

JOJo Chin scratches and lying in the sun



Age: Senior

Breed: Domestic short hair

Size: Large and in charge 

This older, green-eyed fella is looking for a quiet home, preferably with a homebody! I’m about a year into a diabetes diagnosis and hoping my perfect match can help me with my daily insulin injections. (It’s kind of hard to do yourself when you don’t have opposable thumbs). Likes: Chin scratches and lying in the sun. Dislikes: crates and kennels. 

My perfect Sunday: Sleeping next to you.

I get along with people who: Are willing to care for me, including managing my diabetes!

The secret to getting to know me: Showing me love.

FEZZIK breakfast is what really lights me up



Age: 3.5 years

Breed: Domestic Shorthair

Size: Small

I am a sweet and sassy girl who would prefer to be the only pet in the house. The majority of my days are spent napping on the highest perch of my tower, but breakfast is what really lights me up. I can be gentle, but sometimes I’m a little cheeky and like to be a little rough. This is usually during play and was probably reinforced when I was younger by having humans play with their hands as toys. I will need time, patience and kindness while I learn that being rough during play is not okay.

I get along with people who: I know well. I am nervous of strangers!

The secret to getting to know me: Visit me a few times!

I’m looking for: A quiet home with a quiet family who will treat me like the queen I am.

COCONUT down to play from time to time



Age: 7.5 years 

Breed: Domestic Longhair

Size: Medium

A little on the shy side with new people, but I love to be around my humans once I get to know them! Pretty easy going and love to chill (especially napping in spots with a view!) but down to play from time to time. Heads up, I’d prefer to be the only pet in my home.

What brought me to WAG: After adopting me as a kitten from WAG, a member of the family developed bad allergies!

My perfect Sunday: A play, a nap, and lots of pats!

I get along with people who: Like to pet big, squishy kitties!

CHEESE & CRACKERS We’re both night owls who love to play



Age: approximately 1 year 

Breed: Domestic shorthair

Size: Small

In case you couldn’t tell by our names, we’re a two-for-one deal!! Our life before arriving at WAG is a bit of a mystery (concerned citizens noticed us and brought us to the shelter before winter came along), but we’re currently adjusting to life in our foster home. We’re both night owls who love to play (and love treats), but Cheese is the braver of the two of us. We’re still working on coming out of our shells!

Fun fact about me: We are most likely sisters.

The secret to getting to know me: Welcome us into your home and then give us time to get comfortable!

We’re the same type of weird if: You were also under-socialized with humans growing up!

WEEZY would love a home with a friendly dog pal



Age: Senior 

Breed: Domestic Shorthair

Size: Medium

Living with FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis), an ultimately fatal disease, but feeling good and not letting it stop me from being playful, affectionate, and cuddly! Unfortunately my diagnosis means I can’t live with any other cats, but I would love a home with a friendly dog pal. Looking for a quiet home that can handle a few chronic health problems and doesn’t mind a little wheezing. ;)

My perfect Sunday: Napping, cuddling, playing, napping.

I get along with people who: Will take care of me in my old age!

I’m looking for: A quiet home with no other cats.

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Searching for a perfect match - Pique Newsmagazine
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